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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mystified by the beauty of Munnar

Paradise 2: Munnar

was still drizzling when we set off for Munnar, which was a 7 hour long drive away, cautioned the driver. The road as usual was spick and span. We passed through the famous Abad Food Court, the only mall in the area. A slight detour to the market area was necessary so that we could ration ourselves for the journey. Snacks like potato chips, biscuits and some fresh tender coconut water from the street-side vendor were purchased. Arabian Shawarma (chicken flakes cut off the grill and wrapped in a role) a non-vegetarian snack was also purchased from a street-side kitchen just to satiate our curiosity for the snack. I must say the journey was getting quite gastronomical.

Sundar, our competent driver was a speed monster, who drove at a pace of 140-160 km/h and could have given any Formula 1 driver a run for his money. He sure had my adrenaline level up. Our vision was now in the fast forward mode, because sceneries were just rushing passed by us…. Portuguese churches dotted our route so did some artistically designed quaint bungalows, which is seen practically all over Kerala. Chetan, one of the co-passengers suddenly sang the famous patriotic song “Mere Desh ki Dharti Sona Ugle, Ugle Heere Moti....mere desh ki dharti” on seeing the beauty of the green paddy fields. Kerala is in no doubt green and beautiful from all corners, which made me proud to be an Indian. We crossed a bridge that connected the World to the city of Munnar and from a distance we could see the mist surrounding the green hills. Am all set to demystify the valley.

En-route is the Chiaparra waterfalls, a must stop over to catch the dynamics of Nature. Sundar enlightened us that the waterfalls can only be seen during the monsoon season for it is created solely from the rain waters. One main reason to visit Kerala during the Monsoons, because the sight of the white water simply gushing down the hill and the water spray coming on to your face is awesome, something similar to the Niagara falls. Nirvana!! The enterprising locals out here had put up stalls with local goodies namely fresh fruit juices, snacks and, pepper, awla and green chilly pickles, which were 100Rs per sachet. They sure knew how to satiate our hunger pangs after such a quench-full sight.

The valley route was getting twisted as we proceeded through the narrow winding roads, churning my stomach in the process. Here, I realized I was phobic to altitudes. It was interesting to note that at every interception was a Toddy (local drink) shack and Tower of Protection to protect one from any mishaps. We could see the Tea valley Resort from a distance as we passed through many more misty landscapes - the famous Kannan Deven hills and some more Eucalyptus tree groves…... at one go I saw the different hues of the colour green. The valley indeed is “India’s pride and neighbors envy”. After some more stomach churning twist and turns and near miss mud tracks we reached the gates of the resort, which resembled a heavenly abode. The time was 6p.m and the sky was already dark as the black horse.

The resort is a huge property set inside the Tata Tea Estate, which was our stay for the next two days. An ideal stay option for honeymooners, the property is designed with landscaped garden space, featuring all kinds of flora. But, me a singleton - was living a Sherlock homes mystery story with loads of goose bumps to keep company with, for our room was on a level, which saw the dizzying heights of the valley. I missed my loved ones big time and made it an early night, and drifted off for a better morning.

I was speechless the next morning with the morning view that the valley greeted me with. Just wanted to kiss the clouds and sing my heart out in delight. This place with the picture-perfect scenery is an artist’s paradise. Truly a Gods gift for mortals like us!

After a scrumptious fare at the in-house restaurant we were contemplating to take a tour of the beautiful property. But our plan was interrupted mid-air with a gaggling sound coming from the corner of the restaurant. On further inspection we saw that a family of geese were stretching out and wanted to greet us with their presence. Children will love this corner. The property is designed with a recreation room that is maintained with carom and other indoor games. There is also a playground at the very top, which also feature a sunset point den. Adventurers can have an exciting time here with adrenaline filled activities, namely jeep safari, guided trekking, wildlife tours, tent camping and mountain biking. Phew, one can surely work-out and get toned out here.

The day was beautiful and I started loving this place, which was making me one with the Universe. The organizers had planned out the day with some inspiring sightseeing agenda around the hill-top town. It was fun passing by the rolling hills, the lush mountains and tea, coffee and cardamom plantations, which looked spectacular in the morning light. Our next stop was at the Mattupetty Dam which has one of the most scenic lake. The Idukki District Tourism Promotion Council provides boating facilities that includes a family boat ride and a speed boat ride, which cost just Rs350.

The boat ride passed through some magnificent hilly expanse…good for photo ops. Suddenly there was excitement in the boat and I saw the others hustling with their cameras on one side of the carrier. Thank god the boat didn’t capsize. The excitement was all because an Elephant family from the adjoining forest area thought of blessing us with their darshan. We had to bribe the boat man for a closer look of the gentle giants, who were grazing and strolling at leisure - Lost in their animal kingdom. Blissful! A must place to visit for a blissful encounter with Nature.

After an eventful ride, we headed towards the Mattupetty Market for some shopping of local trinkets and snacks. Lunch time was nearing but we had to check out one last place - the Elephant Safari center. The animals were enjoying their afternoon siesta and some were having their brunch. There were fruit platters for Rs50 and Rs100 to feed our tusked friends, who love to chew on pineapples and corn. And, here feeding one with fruits is believed to be auspicious.

Feeding the animals had surely worked up an appetite for me and was looking forward to our luncheon at the Clouds Valley, a 4Star property amidst the hills. The hotel is maintained with 54 elegant rooms, a conference hall, and a restaurant with yummy delights. There is also an Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatment offered to the guests, who can discover long-forgotten facets of themselves and engage all their senses.

The last property to be checked for the day was the Mountain Trail, which was tucked away at a corner of this beautiful land. Adding fun to the tour was the unexpected rains complemented with the smoky fog, which chilled my bones. I thought I was again in a mystery land to be unfolded later on. The property is huge but due to the fog engulfing the vision couldn’t see much. The restaurant had a very English touch to its decor and we were offered piping hot tea/coffee and hot and crispy pakoras…a perfect combination to end a chilly day…..


Ashish Lath said...

just love reading the articles here..!!

Anonymous said...

After reading this awesome write up i am planning my next dream vacation to Kerala....

Dexter Holidays said...

nice article!i was one of the traveler in the munnar tour,by reading this article it took me to munnar again,nice memory thanks

Anonymous said...

Sagarika says:
I am amazed that India has such beautiful awe inspiring places...and am going to plan a trip very soon with my whole family.

Anonymous said...

Did not knew India has such beautiful places,,intend to go for the next family vacation to Kerala..

Raghav Shenoy said...

Superb Article Vijaya..... This is one of the best place in God's own country.......

Raghav Shenoy said...

Superb Article Vijaya.. One of the heavenly place in God's own country

Raghav Shenoy said...

Beautiful article Vijaya .... One of the heavenly place in God's own country