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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Going "banana" over coconuts...

"A coconut drink a day keeps the doctor away”, but at Kumarakom Lake Resort, the paradise on Earth with coconut groves shrouding its surroundings, this drink is surely sold dearly with a price tag of 50Rs, which gastronomically bombed my thirst.

But, the resort set on the banks of the Vembanad Lake is a true paradise made by man….a feast to the eyes from all corners. Bedecked with sprawling greenery and dedicated to centuries-old heritage, the resort features ancient traditional boats and cooking wares like the stone grinder, which are found all across its verdant grounds. It also houses some of the most distinguished luxury rooms and pool villas, each with a private alcove.

Amidst these beautiful natural surroundings, I found myself lost without reason; where Nature seemed to be the culture, well complimented by the hushed rhythm of the lake and the musical renditions played softly through out the property, mesmerizing my senses even further to simply enjoy its tranquility. Oblivious and transfixed, I seated my solitary self on one of the wrought iron chairs found on the lake facing lawn space, and inhaled free and unadulterated O2... …Absolute nirvana!

A whiff of fried coconut spruced with chilly interrupted the tranquility of my sensory glands and charmed me towards the Ettukettu, a fine dining outlet, adjacent to the lawn. Authentic Kerala cuisine was on display right from the famous Papadum fried in coconut oil to boiled rice and the deep fried Karimeen, each wrapped in green leaves. There was also the spicy Thermidor sea-food dish, Padavalanga Koottu, Vellari Mango Curry, and last but not the least the Ada Pradhaman, the traditional sweet preparation that ended the feast on a sweet note. I came to know of a fact that in olden times after the main course was done, diners would eat curd rice so that they could make some space in the stomach for Ada Pradhaman, as disclosed by an elderly diner from the adjacent seat. What a cool way to gorge on to some more of the yummy delights.

Fully satiated and tummy tucked with the scrumptious fare, I forced myself to take a walk along the garden path, which housed a craft center, selling jute bags of all sizes and shapes, and ranging from 50Rs for a wallet to 150Rs for an organizer. Further along the path and a wooden bridge away I came across the Ayurmana Spa. A tour through its interiors made me want to know more about its rejuvenation secrets and rich ayurveda heritage…..

The soothing and stimulating treatment offered at the spa are taking my senses all over again. Tempted? ….head on here this season, for some good times….

Monday, August 15, 2011

Think “kool” life, think KERALA

“Are you looking for longevity?” asked the doctor at the Zuri Resort & Spa during the spa orientation. Well, after the 7hours of an excruciating pick-up ride from Munnar to Kumarakom, I was game to save my soul with some lulling rejuvenating massage, body pampering treatments, mind quieting therapies, and to simply engulf my senses in the mesmerizing whiff of the spa lotions.

Monsoon is the best season to indulge oneself in an ayurveda treatment further stated the doctor. The equable climate of Kerala during this season and the natural abundance of herbs and medicinal plants in its flora all complimented, and were favourable for Ayurveda. Lucky me - I thought am in the right place at the right time.

Zuri is an 18acres 5Star deluxe property with an artificial pond that connects to the famous and unbounded Vembanadu Lake. The property houses 72 rooms, including 10 lake view pool villas, complimented with high-speed wireless Internet access, which is not at all accessible. That’s a sure sign to tell the guests to simply enjoy the good times with Nature. The beauty of the property itself is therapeutic to the eyes, no wonder so many tourists from the Middle East and other Arabian shores land here to enjoy the

pleasant weather and its hospitality. Here, guests are encouraged to use the cycle to commute to their rooms. Very eco-friendly and healthy, I must say. The property also features the Lime Tree, an all-day dining restaurant, banquet and meeting rooms, the Body Temple Island for meditation and the famous Maya Spa, recipient of the Asia Spa Award.

I just had to dial 8331 (how convenient) to de-stress at Maya and be part of the therapeutic regime, which included complimentary use of Sauna, Jacuzzi and Steam bath as listed in the welcome note. Now I know how hot it feels to be grilled in an oven for the Sauna had me sweating profusely, but once the damp, herbal scented towel covered my eyes I was tempted to catch a few nods. But, I was cautioned not to drift off …..Alas I enter eternity. After a cold shower I felt refreshed and looked forward to some more relaxing moments with a Jacuzzi experience. The ambiance was perfect for a Cleopatra session - the dim lights, soothing music, warm water and the bubbles coming out of the jet holes, and a cool drink to keep company with - all seemed to be in sync to offer a soothing spell to my whole being.

I truly felt like a Diva living a dream.............Experience it to make your dream into a reality!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mystified by the beauty of Munnar

Paradise 2: Munnar

was still drizzling when we set off for Munnar, which was a 7 hour long drive away, cautioned the driver. The road as usual was spick and span. We passed through the famous Abad Food Court, the only mall in the area. A slight detour to the market area was necessary so that we could ration ourselves for the journey. Snacks like potato chips, biscuits and some fresh tender coconut water from the street-side vendor were purchased. Arabian Shawarma (chicken flakes cut off the grill and wrapped in a role) a non-vegetarian snack was also purchased from a street-side kitchen just to satiate our curiosity for the snack. I must say the journey was getting quite gastronomical.

Sundar, our competent driver was a speed monster, who drove at a pace of 140-160 km/h and could have given any Formula 1 driver a run for his money. He sure had my adrenaline level up. Our vision was now in the fast forward mode, because sceneries were just rushing passed by us…. Portuguese churches dotted our route so did some artistically designed quaint bungalows, which is seen practically all over Kerala. Chetan, one of the co-passengers suddenly sang the famous patriotic song “Mere Desh ki Dharti Sona Ugle, Ugle Heere Moti....mere desh ki dharti” on seeing the beauty of the green paddy fields. Kerala is in no doubt green and beautiful from all corners, which made me proud to be an Indian. We crossed a bridge that connected the World to the city of Munnar and from a distance we could see the mist surrounding the green hills. Am all set to demystify the valley.

En-route is the Chiaparra waterfalls, a must stop over to catch the dynamics of Nature. Sundar enlightened us that the waterfalls can only be seen during the monsoon season for it is created solely from the rain waters. One main reason to visit Kerala during the Monsoons, because the sight of the white water simply gushing down the hill and the water spray coming on to your face is awesome, something similar to the Niagara falls. Nirvana!! The enterprising locals out here had put up stalls with local goodies namely fresh fruit juices, snacks and, pepper, awla and green chilly pickles, which were 100Rs per sachet. They sure knew how to satiate our hunger pangs after such a quench-full sight.

The valley route was getting twisted as we proceeded through the narrow winding roads, churning my stomach in the process. Here, I realized I was phobic to altitudes. It was interesting to note that at every interception was a Toddy (local drink) shack and Tower of Protection to protect one from any mishaps. We could see the Tea valley Resort from a distance as we passed through many more misty landscapes - the famous Kannan Deven hills and some more Eucalyptus tree groves…... at one go I saw the different hues of the colour green. The valley indeed is “India’s pride and neighbors envy”. After some more stomach churning twist and turns and near miss mud tracks we reached the gates of the resort, which resembled a heavenly abode. The time was 6p.m and the sky was already dark as the black horse.

The resort is a huge property set inside the Tata Tea Estate, which was our stay for the next two days. An ideal stay option for honeymooners, the property is designed with landscaped garden space, featuring all kinds of flora. But, me a singleton - was living a Sherlock homes mystery story with loads of goose bumps to keep company with, for our room was on a level, which saw the dizzying heights of the valley. I missed my loved ones big time and made it an early night, and drifted off for a better morning.

I was speechless the next morning with the morning view that the valley greeted me with. Just wanted to kiss the clouds and sing my heart out in delight. This place with the picture-perfect scenery is an artist’s paradise. Truly a Gods gift for mortals like us!

After a scrumptious fare at the in-house restaurant we were contemplating to take a tour of the beautiful property. But our plan was interrupted mid-air with a gaggling sound coming from the corner of the restaurant. On further inspection we saw that a family of geese were stretching out and wanted to greet us with their presence. Children will love this corner. The property is designed with a recreation room that is maintained with carom and other indoor games. There is also a playground at the very top, which also feature a sunset point den. Adventurers can have an exciting time here with adrenaline filled activities, namely jeep safari, guided trekking, wildlife tours, tent camping and mountain biking. Phew, one can surely work-out and get toned out here.

The day was beautiful and I started loving this place, which was making me one with the Universe. The organizers had planned out the day with some inspiring sightseeing agenda around the hill-top town. It was fun passing by the rolling hills, the lush mountains and tea, coffee and cardamom plantations, which looked spectacular in the morning light. Our next stop was at the Mattupetty Dam which has one of the most scenic lake. The Idukki District Tourism Promotion Council provides boating facilities that includes a family boat ride and a speed boat ride, which cost just Rs350.

The boat ride passed through some magnificent hilly expanse…good for photo ops. Suddenly there was excitement in the boat and I saw the others hustling with their cameras on one side of the carrier. Thank god the boat didn’t capsize. The excitement was all because an Elephant family from the adjoining forest area thought of blessing us with their darshan. We had to bribe the boat man for a closer look of the gentle giants, who were grazing and strolling at leisure - Lost in their animal kingdom. Blissful! A must place to visit for a blissful encounter with Nature.

After an eventful ride, we headed towards the Mattupetty Market for some shopping of local trinkets and snacks. Lunch time was nearing but we had to check out one last place - the Elephant Safari center. The animals were enjoying their afternoon siesta and some were having their brunch. There were fruit platters for Rs50 and Rs100 to feed our tusked friends, who love to chew on pineapples and corn. And, here feeding one with fruits is believed to be auspicious.

Feeding the animals had surely worked up an appetite for me and was looking forward to our luncheon at the Clouds Valley, a 4Star property amidst the hills. The hotel is maintained with 54 elegant rooms, a conference hall, and a restaurant with yummy delights. There is also an Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatment offered to the guests, who can discover long-forgotten facets of themselves and engage all their senses.

The last property to be checked for the day was the Mountain Trail, which was tucked away at a corner of this beautiful land. Adding fun to the tour was the unexpected rains complemented with the smoky fog, which chilled my bones. I thought I was again in a mystery land to be unfolded later on. The property is huge but due to the fog engulfing the vision couldn’t see much. The restaurant had a very English touch to its decor and we were offered piping hot tea/coffee and hot and crispy pakoras…a perfect combination to end a chilly day…..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A monsoon rendezvous in KERALA – God’s own Country!!!

"The lure of the distant and the anonymous is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.” So, when an opportunity of a FAM trip to Kerala knocked on my door - I simply grabbed it with both my hands.

Me, God’s preferred child was all gung-ho for this trip to God’s own country, but, had my own inhibitions of traveling there during the monsoon season, which experiences torrential rainfall. But, the travel bug had already bitten my soul and wanted to convert this very negative perception for a more positive one.

So, set with this goal in mind I packed my bags for an exploration of the five main cities of my motherland – Kochi, Munnar, Kumarakom, Kovalam and Thiruvananthapuram. Joining me on the trip was Gracy. Luckily, the carrier was on time and we boarded the flight that took us off towards the impending journey.

The window seat was the preferred location that gave me a leverage to capture the best aerial shots of the paradise called Kerala. Looking out of the window my mind drifted along with the clouds to a World of coconuts and plantations, but it was interrupted with an announcement by the air-hostess, who cautioned all to keep on the seat belts for the air outside was turbulent. Wow, some excitement it was in mid-air. The turbulence made me feel like Kathleen Turner of the adventure comedy movie “Romancing the Stone”. Few clouds later the air got cleared and I got a 360 degree view of God’s own Country. The land of King Mahabali was indeed beautiful and green even from 786 feet – a feast to the eyes.

We boarded the bus organized by the tour operator and said adios to the colonial ambiance of the Kochi Airport. The road en-route to the hotel was razor clean and had greenery on both sides even though it is adorned with bill boards. You see commercialization has not even spared this part of the virgin land. In fact it was good to see a life-sized advertisement billboard of Mohanlal, the Southern superstar, who with his Namaste posture seemed to welcome us to some good times.

The route from the airport to the Casino Hotel, our stay for the night was interesting. In the sense, we passed through the main city’s (MG Road) market area which had some known jewelry showrooms, which I had only watched in some Malayalam TV channels. Kerala known for its coconuts and spices is equally famous for its traditional gold ornaments. And, one of the shops that caught my eyes was the "Gold Souks Grande Mall", which is very famous in the city of Dubai. It was also informative to know that the city had good civic sense and traffic offenders were flatly fined Rs1000.....wish Mumbai had such stringent rules! The MG Road route also had many churches gracing one’s vision and amidst all the hustle and the bustle was the magnificent building of the oldest tabloid of the city Malayalam Manorama, where news is made every day and week.

The pick-up bus zoomed some miles more and we reached the bridge that connected the Wellington Island (Old Kochin) with Ernakulam (New Kochin). I wanted to get up and close with the view around me, so took to the vacant passenger seat in the front and befriended the driver in my broken Malayalam dialect. It’s a brownie point if you know the language of the land and will take you comfortably in the long run. The now friendly driver was enthusiastic to share his knowledge of the island with a deal that I would be the translator for others. He briefed us that the island was man-made and created during the construction of modern Kochi Port in 1936 with the soil dredged out while deepening the Vembanad Lake to accommodate the new port. Now, the island is home to the office of the Cochin Port Trust, the Customs Office, the Royal Air Force’s aerodrome, a few hotels (Casino Hotel being one of them) and business centers. These establishments have provided good source of livelihood for the locals, which comprise a good mix of Keralites and Tamilians. My only regret was I couldn’t catch sight of any handsome Naval cadets…..I guess the drizzle kept them indoors.

After nearly an hour’s drive from the airport we reached Casino Hotel, a contemporary establishment frequented by the business community. Nothing Bondish about it! Thecourteous bell-boy escorted us to the double room, which was well-maintained with all the necessary amenities, including Wi-Fi access. The bathroom was equipped with a hair dryer, hot & cold water supply and installed with a bathtub fit for a Cleopatra bath.

The itinerary of the evening was to join in for a night of celebration with Spice Land Holidays, the tour organizer. Keeping up with the black and white theme, we entered the Durbar Hall, which was already swooning to the music rendered by the Vylli Orchestra. The folk lore created through the wooden instruments (gifted by a Japanese Music Company) was heart thumping and touched each of our souls. The night was kept alive with more music and songs sung by professionals. The crowd danced all night long and had the night of their lives.

It was heavily raining the next day morning and the wet Earth tickled the sensory glands and worked up an appetite. Our first Southern breakfast at the Tharavadu Restaurant was refreshing in every sense – the traditional ambiance with a welcome lamp and the nira para at the entrance complimented the scrumptious breakfast spread, comprising English egg-n-toast, soft idlis and sambar to crispy Masala Dosas with spicy, tangy chutneys.

We had some time on hand before we boarded the bus for Munnar. So, we explored the hotel and chanced upon the spa, the outdoor swimming pool and the SHOP, a curio shop, which was all set up in the back-end of the hotel. What took our fancy though was the SHOP of course, since girls just wanna have fun with shopping. The place had some exquisite and traditional trinkets, accessories, bags, kurtis, saris, and many other metallic antique pieces in all shapes and sizes. We went crazy for choice and ended up buying some interesting mementos for family and friends back home. This way a piece of Kochi was coming back with us to Mumbai.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Saawan ka Mahina in Kerala with Travelguru ....

Follow Travelguru’s Monsoon Dhamaka trail in Kerala and set your mind to an adventure that unravels the green avenues of South of Kerala, namely Cochin – (the Backwaters) Munnar (hill resort town), Kumarakom (the island town), Marari (beach town), Kovalam (a beach destination) and Trivandrum(capital of Kerala)… and experience its true essence through our pictorial series.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The World is a Stage at Arpora

Travel enthusiast Vijaya Das Panicker hits Goa this time and pens down her experiences. Read on to know more...

When you think of a good beach, good food and a place to chill out then the place to head-off to this week-end is Goa – the land of Sun, Sand and Sea, and the UNLIMITED shopping extravaganza at Saturday Night Market.

Arpora, the place that houses the market was the place me and my gang-of-girlfriends chose to spend our mini-weekend break and the whole purpose of choosing this was to shop for some cool summer outfits and chill-out before the actual sunny weather settled in the beach city. But, surprise, surprise we were greeted by RAIN, an unexpected welcome visitor, who made its presence felt with thunder, lightning and the sweet smell of wet earth, which set the right amount of punch to our exhilarated spirit.

Next afternoon, we, equipped with cool pairs of shades said momentary adios to our stay - the Riviera-De-Goa and set off as per our day’s itinerary to the market, a shopaholic’s paradise. But, some speed and action at the next door’s Go-Karting arena had to be tested to spur our zeal for the day. The race made us the Lewis Hamilton and Narain Karthikeyan of the moment as we raced with each other the 10 laps (a ride costs 250-300rupees/10 laps) in total ecstasy. After such an exhilarating experience we entered the market from the second gate for some retail therapy and voila we were amidst a sea of people, jostling to chill-out.

Splurging and sipping on a cool beer (Rs17) we jostled through the crowd and winded through the well-organized, gigantic flea market, which had a bohemian and creative vibe to its ambiance. The market featured goods right from international cigars and watches (Rs.350) to Indian spices, jewelry, western clothes, Indian collectibles, musical instruments, and cottage industry crafts to other Indian products, which represented every tribal area of India. Our purpose of the visit was fulfilled when we saw some hot mini-skirts (Rs.200/skirt) and cool spaghettis (Rs.150/outfit). We were oh so spoilt for choice we didn’t know what not to buy and ended up shopping for everything in the store, including the very flowing sarongs (Rs150-200). And, complimenting our purchase was the ultra-cool accessories, namely the beautiful beads, payals and comfy chappals (Rs200/each).

This is no ordinary market, it had a trance like effect on our senses, what with the central stage featuring some live and heart stomping musical performances that kept us jigging non-stop. The rhythmic performances included classical Indian lounge music, to Rock, and vocalists, and it was all sensationalized with some superb fire-dance acts. If music was the food for the soul than the food stalls enticed our taste buds to try out the World cuisine spread, featuring authentic and delicious wood-fired pizzas, sushi, dim sum, Greek food with Shawarma, grilled chicken, Italian food, and hot, crispy spring rolls. And Nirdosh’s flaming Magic Tequila stall at the lower bar is a place not to be missed and do try out its Sardinian cocktail alchemist. There is also the famous Chocolate Fountain, churning out rich chocolate, waffles, and chocolate covered fruit creations, ending our whole expedition on a sweet note.

So, if it’s a short and sweet break you looking out for then Arpora is the place to be in, where the World is a stage to be experienced.

Plan a trip to Goa and experience this magic yourself. Get the best hotels in Goa at the lowest possible rates. You can also get some exciting Activites in Goa at cheap rates.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Give Time Together - Spreading the Sunshine

The day was bright and sunny and we at Travelocity were all charged up to give the children from the Sneha Sagar and Prem Kiran Transformation Centre the time of their lives, which surely included a large dose of pampering and maha entertainment.

Food is the best way to connect with any soul and that includes children. And what better way than to fulfill their wish to “simply enjoy a meal at the McDonald's outlet”. This luxurious and eagerly awaited wish-treat was fulfilled by us genies, who had already organized a place at the nearby outlet. There were yummy burgers, vegetable rolls and fizz cool colas to satiate their appetite and quench their thirst, and activate us all for the entertainment quotient that was lined up by Prerna Sharma, the HR Head. The tagline of McDonald's “I'm Lovin' It” loomed large in the background and we made it doubly sure that each child experienced happiness and laughter through this day-out. Interactions with us included activities like a spontaneous jig by Niket Mishra, (one of the Travelocity-Travelguru event members), a fun exercise of building a pyramid out of the cola cups within a minute, and making installation art through the cola straws and lids, which was initiated by Kinnari Paleja, our event leader.

The time was up at McDonald's but the fun was not yet over as the kids were then taken to the office. On the way out of the Mall, its escalator caught their fancy and we, especially Kinnari, Sharon and Charmaine took them for a ride so that they could experience the nuances of modern interior technology. It was a sheer joy to observe the toothless grins and boisterous enthusiasm on all of the faces.

We had a train of enthusiastic and well behaved children on the way to the Travelocity office. Taking a ride in an elevator up to the 8th floor, a simple everyday habit of ours was also enjoyed by the children as if it was one of the Disneyland’s joy rides.

The magic continued with the “Open Seasons”, a children’s movie shown in our office’s cafeteria, which was engulfed with uncontrollable laughter. Post the movie, it was time for a small drink break and this was followed by more games and dance performances, which was done by all, especially Vandana Shenoy, who gyrated to a famous Bollywood number. We also had a musical chair game for the children that were also equally enjoyed by the Travelocity & Travelguru team, who were having a second go at their childhood. The innocence of the day was getting contagious and we had some goodies distributed to the children, who were extremely happy to receive the same.

Partings are never sweet but the children were delighted and expressed their happiness and presented a personalized memento to Himanshu Singh, Travelocity’s head honcho.

So, experience Eternity like we did by sending out rays of sunshine to the children of the lesser God and see the world change around you into a beautiful place with loads of laughter, happiness and smiles.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Consumer Review Sites - The Good and the Bad!!!

The consumer is the king/queen of the market scenario and they are always right: or are they? In today’s hyper age and hi-technology, a company cannot afford to be in the bad books of a customer for they vent their frustrations through the Internet, which has become a podium, a voice and an audience to the common consumer.

When a consumer today has a bad experience of a product, the first thing they want to do is - report it online and express their dissent to the World. Hence, the advent of sites like - and which adds great value to a consumer’s experience and a black record for the said company. But, if a company has 5 stars but only 2 reviews, one shouldn't give too much weightage to it. After all, it is the opinion of just 2 individuals. What say?

However, it’s an amazing human tendency - when consumers experience a product positively, they humbly accept the goodness of the same and speak-out or refer about it to a few people around them. But, when they encounter a bad experience with the product/ service, their displeasure spreads like wild fire among their social groups, which includes people unknown to them. These reviews have in fact become hot topic of discussion during chats with friends during a comparison debate of different product or services. Also, these have inadvertently led to a mission to totally malign the company and highlight its shortcomings in a negative way. Not fair for the company in question, I say.

So, do these review sites cater to this typical human psyche? I guess the answer is yes, since some of these sites have the capability to make or break a company. We did a study of how the top 4 Online Travel Brands fared on a popular consumer review site called

Travel Portal Name

Mouthshut Average Product rating

No. of Reviews









All the 4 brands above are top online travel brands in India and do well, yet, if a customer has an issue the first thing they would do is go to sites like and log their complaints.

It’s a fact that “happier customers means more business”. There would be thousands of customers who would have had a great smooth experience and enjoyed the product, but we don’t see them clamoring on to to write reviews of their pleasant experience. So, is there a way for consumer sites to protect the “COMPANY” against this bias stand of human behavior?

I open the debate.

Mystical Coorg – To Nirvana & Back

Of mist-laden hills and oh-so-wonderful aroma of coffee. Here is a quick guide to Coorg as penned by our avid traveller, Nagma. Read on...

"Well, this is almost Scotland-ish. Coorg or Kodadu is situated in south India and is defined by misty hills and rolling tea, coffee & spice plantations visible as far as you can see. Not your conventional holiday spot, no doubt, but charming all year through. Especially when it feels that time does stand still here.

As I entered this Kodagu-land, I could breathe in the fresh smells of oranges, groves of which line either side of the roads. Kodagu is believed to have derived its name from the word ‘Krodhadesa’ or Land of Anger. Another more apt origin to this name could be from ‘Kannada Kundu’, which means ‘dense forest on a steep hill’. “This could be what Nirvana feels like”, was the thought that comes to my mind. I arrived at the hotel, Club Mahindra Kodagu Valley, a charming line of apartment-style rooms, complete with personalized service and a typically Coorgi ambience. Old-world and almost magical, rejuvenation is guaranteed here.

My trip of Coorg started with the most obvious icon of Coorg – Abbey Falls. Located within a private coffee estate, the water gushes down at such speed that its roar could be heard from the main road! Trekking through the trail, you’d breathe in the scent of coffee and oranges. Advise to first-timers – visit the falls during the monsoons when the water flows more and carry your cameras to catch perfect shots of the mist hanging over the falls. Similar in beauty were the Irpu Falls, which is located on the Brahmagiri Hills and is a rather sacred spot. While at Irpu, I also visited a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva called Ishwara Temple. The priests here said that this temple is especially busy during the Shivratri Festival.

A town as relaxed as this is bound to have many stories and interesting accounts of eras gone by. One such spot pointed out by a local was Talacauvery. According to him, this is the birthplace of River Cauvery and a tank and temple marks this sacred spot. Around mid-October, thousands of pilgrims trek up to this spot to watch an almost-magical moment – that of the water gushing up from a spring at a predetermined moment. A little further along, a short hike took me to the Brahmagiri Peak, where myth has that 7 sages performed a holy yajna. This peak also had 2 temples – one dedicated to Shiva and the other to Ganesha. There is a tank here too where many pilgrims were busy taking dips and throwing wishing coins! Prior permission is required for both.

After a peaceful night at the resort, I woke up to the chirping of birds and with a cup of Coorgi coffee watched the
sun rays create a sparkle on the hill-tops. Truly magical. Today’s sojourn included a visit to some of the other spots here – Madikeri Fort with its palace, temple and museum, Raja’s Seat, so named because the kings of Coorg would catch views of the sunset from here and the Omkareshwara Temple, which was built by a Lingaraja King.

With so much to hike around, it was no wonder that I needed to refuel myself with some of the typical Coorgi cuisine. Especially seasoned with a lot of coconut, curry leaves, chilly and local spices, the food here is not for the faint hearted!

After a hearty meal, I headed out to the one place I was simply dying to visit – Dubare Elephant Training Camp at the edge of River Cauvery. And what a sight! Over 15 elephants gamboling in the river and engaged in so many activities! Manned by a wonderful staff and a naturalist, they even let me, for a small fee, bathe the elephants, feed them sugarcane and take a quick ride through the forests. Perfect for folks like us looking for a wee bit of adventure.

The next day was a reasonably relaxed one, where I explored the markets that make Coorg so interesting. It was perfect to stock up on dry spices and coffee, not just for myself, but for people back home. Finally, a quick stop at Somwarpet, which is the coffee heartland of Coorg and a lesson in coffee-making put the perfect finish to my holiday.

With such sights around, Coorg was definitely magical. I’d recommend spending about 3 days here to take in the various attractions. Carry good hiking shoes, adequate change of clothes lest it rains, a camera and your spirit of adventure and you are all set! No matter what you do and how much you see, this is one place, I am sure, that will keep you coming back for more."

Visit this serene hill station with confirmed hotel & holiday packages. Get confirmed hotels in Coorg at lowest prices and read more about things in see & do with this exclusive travel guide to Coorg.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

North East India - Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Ranjan Chetry gets talking to Vijaya Das Panicker and narrates about his recent trip to the mountainous terrain of Arunachal, Meghalaya & Assam. It was all business but got peppered with a twist of leisure covered on the way.

“A prayer in my heart and a luggage full of woolens and thermals (must items to combat the impending harsh weather), I am all set for the eight day spree, which takes off from Delhi Airport and lands me straight to the city of Guwahati, the ‘Gateway’ of the North-East Region. I didn’t waste any of my time out here and immediately proceeded to the first destination in my itinerary, which is Shillong – ‘SCOTLAND of the EAST’.

Shillong is where the clouds reside and is just two and half to three hours journey by road from Guwahati. The surrounding hills have been categorically cut to give way to roads wide enough for my cab driver to safely maneuver his vehicle through the misty land, giving me a better feel of things. The open, topsy-turvy roads mingled with tall pine trees and the wind in my hair was just the teaser for the imminent wonder called Barapani Lake, whose beauty is captivating enough to quench the artistic desire. Here, the senses are engulfed with the freshness and chill in the air. It is believed that if you have to experience the true essence of a place, then you got to book yourself into a good hotel, and that’s exactly what I did – a room with a hill view in Polo Towers, the only 4 star hotel in the vicinity and my abode for the next two days. Belting a contract with the hotel and hungry for more, I thought of celebrating the moment by checking out the market for some steamed chicken MOMOS, which were served in plantain leaves. Fully satiated, it was time to hit the bed for an early morning trip to Cherapunjee.

All work and no play makes Ranjan a dull boy’, so I took some time-off from my hectic schedule to catch the beauty of the land of the Cherapunjee, the wettest place in the World and only 60 kms away from Shillong. The bald plateau, bereft of all vegetation, the wayside waterfalls and the view of the plains of Bangladesh a few thousand feet below was worth every boost of my energy. Then there was the animated Living Bridge of the World, (resembling a digitalized bridge straight from the Oscar winning movie - AVATAR) for which I had to go 2015 steps down, making me breathless, all the way. Due, to time-constraint I had to return back to Shillong, but en-route I made it sure to visit the fabulous Elephanta falls and Shillong peak, the highest point of Meghalaya for some breathtaking views and some Kodak moments. But if time is what you have in hand then do visit the main attraction of Shillong - The Gambling Archery Sport, which is a socializing pub with a dart competition, frequented mostly by the localities.

In midst of marathon meets with hoteliers, my tryst with Nature continued at Kaziranga National Park on the third and fourth day of my sojourn. The park, the home of the ‘One Horned Rhinoceros’ and sanctuary to a variety of wild lives was explored on the back of an elephant (children and adults alike would love this outing). The thick foliage in this jungle ambiance made me apprehensive, but my day was made when I encountered Rhino and other endangered species, including the Hog Deer, Swamp Deer, wild Buffalo, and Elephants. The wilderness had made my stomach grumble and didn’t want to be an appetizer for the Tiger, who had not kept up with our safari appointment. So, I returned to the GL Resort, my abode for the moment and enjoyed a yummy breakfast. There is an interesting, afternoon jeep safari organized by the Central Zone of the National Park, for the exploratory soul amongst us.

Bomdila was the next town in my itinerary and I wished I had my Harley Davidson bike and a friend to cruise along with in the surrounding picturesque valley. But, alas I had to do with the loyal cab, which drove me to the most romantic destination – the Tipi, located on the banks of the Bharali River at an elevation of 190 meters. Tipi is a Nature’s paradise; an Orchid Research Center spread over 112.8 acres with over 50,600 orchids under cultivation. The Tower Point in the mountains was another must-see on my bucket list, which I visited in the evening. The point presented a bird’s eye view of the entire city, mesmerizing my senses with its sheer magnitude.

My entire business visit to the North-East was getting interesting with every passing moment and I didn’t want the sun to go down on me. I wanted to explore new horizons. So, after a hearty breakfast I depart to Tawang, the land of the Monpa tribe, for whom life is a song and dance. En-route, I visit the Sela Pass, the high altitude mountain pass that connects the Buddhist city of Tawang with the rest of the country. The pass with an altitude of 13700 ft. is famous for its unparalleled view of the Himalayas, and is an ideal setting for ice skating during winters. Not one with nimble feet, I do a rain-check on the Bangajung Gonpa, the main Buddhist cultural centre where one can indulge in some serious soul searching exercise, and get enlightened.

I wrap up my official trip with a spiritual visit to the ancient city of Tezpur, a must for the religious-minded. Tezpur houses the legendary Mahabhairav Temple, where king Bana worshipped Mahabhairav for his blessings. And, I for one needed the blessings for a rocking year ahead.

There is more to Arunachal than meets the eye. And, through this trip my soul touched base with my childhood in matters more than one… when running in the playground was akin to life. Such were the joys of childhood, which one can relive in the rugged and untouched terrain of Arunachal.”

All those who plan a trip to this dream destination can check out the best hotels in Guwahati and hotels in Shillong. One can even book exciting holiday packages like Shillong - Cherapunjee - Guwahati starting Rs. 7,699/- and Guwahati - Kaziranga National Park - Shillong starting Rs. 12,635/-

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Around the White Paradise of Sikkim in 9 Days

Vijaya Das Panicker gets talking about one of the most destinations in India - Sikkim, seen through the eyes of 2 travel aficionados. Read on...

"Is city life grinding down your very existence with never ending work deadlines and mundane routine? Are you having the blues for an escapade to the serene pastures? Well, embark on a journey highly recommended by our two in-house travel enthusiasts - Nupur and Vandana, who are just back from a 9 day mystical journey of Sikkim.

Dark, wet, windy and bitterly cold, Sikkim was all of 0.4 temperature when they touched its base around 7.30p.m., engulfing their senses to explore its mysticism even further, but that would have to wait for the next day after a refreshing slumber.

The next day started off with an enriching trip to the White Paradise called Lachung, a Shangri-La on the Earth, which is perched at an elevation of 8,800 ft. The bumpy drive passed them through many scenic spots, waterfalls and quaint little villages. They stopped at one of the local eateries for a quick breakfast, which included sizzling Maggie noodles, yummy Nankhaties and piping hot Darjeeling tea, which satiated their appetite and fuelled their soul for the impending adventure ahead. The mystical land of Lachung lures one and all to enjoy a nature’s trip through the Seven Sisters Waterfall and the beautiful Yumthang Valley (the Valley of Flowers), where they stopped for half an hour to experience the heaven-on-Earth. The land was like a cake covered in sugar icing and presented an idle platform for some fun-filled photo-shoots and snow fights. Travelers can soak in its diverse and picturesque landscape, characterized by charming government hotels, hot water springs with medicinal powers and an overbridge with a river flowing below.

A six hours drive from Lachung took them to the land of Gangtok, which is 127kms away from the surface of Bagdogra. Here, one can take pleasure in the divine spirit of Nature flavoured with positive energy – the right recipe to kiss life in its full glory. And, if your soul is searching for some tranquility then the Rumtek Monastery is the place to be in. It is one of the largest monasteries, maintained with an inspiring ambiance and a beautiful shrine temple where one is sure to find solace through its many meditation courses. A little distance away is the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, which has a library, housing the largest collection of Tibetan works and a museum of Tibetan iconography and religious art. After satiating their intelligence, it was time to satiate their stomach with some mouth watering Momos (Rs20/plate), which spiced up their taste buds for some more of the delicacy. The duo opines that Gangtok does not only satiate ones gourmand urge or directs one to the path of rejuvenation, but is also a good place to shop for some local trinkets and souvenirs, especially at the famous Mall Road.

Life in Gangtok is beautiful amidst the abundance of natural beauty of Tsomgo Lake known as Changu Lake, which is flanked by the hills and is home for the Brahminy Ducks. But, since it was frozen, the girls with their boots (Rs30/pair) and caps on got a chance to do some exciting Yak rides (Rs300, during off season), which took them up to the zero point.

Mother Nature’s other spectacular panoramic sites on the itinerary was Pelling, which is an artist’s preferred destination. Its beauty is well represented by Khecheopalri Lake, also known as the wishing lake, where the girls tried their luck by dropping a coin in the sacred water and wished for their prince charming. The mystical charm of the place continued with the Rock Garden, just 12kms away. It’s a perfect backdrop for a romantic rendezvous, well-maintained with gardens, pools and zigzag foot paths. Here, couples could leisurely spend time watching the stars, the open sky and whisper sweet nothings to each other.

On the second last day of their journey, they embarked on their journey to the city of Darjeeling. Here, they took on some sporty activities at the Teesta River. They river rafted through the icy cold waters of the rugged Teesta with a series of rapids with varying intensity and character, and challenged its ruggedness, and had an adrenaline filled time. Tenzing Rock situated on Lebong Cart Road, was the other exhilarating stopover, which challenged their rock climbing skills. But, they had nothing to worry about because Himalayan Mountaineering Institute was just a corner away where people get trained in mountaineering by experts. Padmaja Naidu Zoological Park was the other place of interest that captivated their thoughts with the revelation that it was the only place in the world where breeding of Snow Leopards in captivity was successful.

The last leg of their journey took them to the Tiger Hill located at an altitude of 2590mt to catch the fabulous glimpse of the sunrise over Kanchenjunga. They soaked in its diverse and picturesque landscape, featuring the Ghoom Monastery, which is famous for its 15 feet high statue of the Maitryee Buddha. A visit to Darjeeling is incomplete without an excursion to Mirik, which is surrounded by innumerable tea gardens and if you want to be one with Nature then do indulge in a boat ride in the Mirik Lake, and romanticize with Nature.

So, what are you waiting for? Celebrate life with a journey to Sikkim that is sure to cool your heels in its natural surroundings, enriching you with a new outlook towards life."

Visit this beautiful state of Sikkim with confirmed hotels & holiday packages. Get Hotels in Gangtok and Hotels in Darjeeling at lowest rates. Plus, you could also book holiday packages: Darjeeling-Kalimpong-Gangtok starting Rs. 10,299, Darjeeling-Gangtok-Pelling starting Rs. 12,879, Darjeeling-Gangtok-Lachung starting Rs. 14,859, Darjeeling-Gangtok-Pelling-Kalimpong-Lachung starting Rs. 19,959.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunrise in Bangkok

For all those looking to visit the happening hotspot of Bangkok, here's a detailed account by our avid traveller, Vijaya Das Panicker on what to expect.

"BANGKOK, the magnificent capital city of Thailand is more than a duty-free shopping paradise. The place is engulfed in a mystical magnetism through its many temples and heritage that dates back to the early 15th century.

It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, and the tourists, especially people from the corporate World love to frequent Bangkok as it provides the best rejuvenation opportunities the World has ever experienced. One can enjoy the serenity of the place during the month of August and December, when the climate is at its best.

Once here feel the peace amidst the many ancient temples that has been in existence since 1782, the oldest being the temple of Wat Phra Kaew, which is popularly known as the ‘Temple of the Emerald Buddha’. The place is a visual treat and provides an aesthetic spectacle of the Grand Palace surrounded by over 100 brightly coloured buildings, golden spires and glittering mosaics. It is the most sacred temple which houses the tiny Buddha all of 60 and 75cms. The uniqueness of the image is that it changes its robe according to the seasons - in summer, its a diamond encrusted golden robe and during cool winters its a solid gold robe. And, when it is monsoon it is dressed up in a gilded monk’s robe, thus adding charisma and serenity to its talisman power. Apart from this the temple houses many other images of Buddha in different postures and a cloister surrounds the temple that depicts an extensive mural of the great Ramakian, the Thai version of the famous Indian mythological story of Ramayana. The compound of the temple also has some intrinsic work-of-art, depicting a dwarf version of the Cambodian temple complex of Angkor Wat.

The other ancient temple that is a must see which inspires the mortal mind is Wat Pho. It is famous for the huge reclining Buddha statue which is the largest in Bangkok and a star attraction. This holds a distinction of having the most number of images of the divine Buddha. The exquisite gold plated reclining Buddha is 46 meters long and 15 meters high and was mainly created to narrate Buddha’s journey of life, and the ultimate Nirvana. The feet and eyes of the statue are decorated with mother of pearls that presents the love, devotion and artistic acumen of the craftsman towards the deity. The Wat Pho Temple houses more than thousand Buddha images in its large grounds which features the ruins of the former capitals of Ayuthaya and Sukhothai. And, since you are in Wat Pho, do take time-out from the exploration of the temples to indulge in some traditional Thai massage that is highly recommended by the locals and by the rich and famous who have experienced the heavenly pleasure of the “foot reflexology massage”.

Also, do visit Chinatown and enjoy the urban culture that Bangkok is famous for. Chinatown is presumably the oldest area in Bangkok that has a Chinese twist of affairs to it, and one of the main streets of this area is the Charoen Krung, which is famous for its gambling culture.

In Bangkok, a family can enjoy the history of the place by visiting the National Museum, which is located in the Na Phara That Road. This fascinating museum exhibits the star inscriptions from the Sukhothai era. Also, one can browse through an impressive display of traditional murals, jewelry, gems and musical instruments that were used through the centuries. Also, there are other recreational facilities like the amusement parks which are a huge hit with the children. Other family attractions include the Ancient City, the Crocodile Farm and the Dream World, which spices up the adventure, making the holiday trip, a one big fascinating experience.

This ancient city of Bangkok has so much to offer that it is the perfect getaway where one can enjoy tradition and modernity in equal abundance. But, one needs to visit it more often to get the right vibe of the culture to attain that perfect “Moksh”."

Travelling to Bangkok? Choose an all-inclusive holiday package to this beautiful Thai country. There are a number of customised packages available: Bangkok starting Rs. 10,399, Pattaya & Bangkok starting Rs. 12,099, Phuket & Bangkok starting Rs. 18,899, Bangkok & Krabi Island starting Rs. 21,899 or even Bangkok & Koh Samui starting Rs. 28,799. And if you're looking for a holiday with a streak of wildness, visit Bangkok & Chiang Mai starting Rs. 25,099.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dubai Shopping Festival - A World of Activities Together

Our travel expert Vijaya Das Panicker is back - & how! She tells us about the world famous event of the Dubai Shopping Festival, which is an annual event held for a month. This is where you get awesome bargains, discounts, global cuisines & a totally thrilling experience! So men, women wherever you are, have you booked your DSF travel plans yet?

Read on for Vijaya's inputs:
Dubai is just not a sandy mirage but one of the man-made wonders of the World. A desert city of gold; it is where unlimited opportunities await the seeker, and is the ultimate shopping Mecca of the capital of the UAE, which blossoms and shines during the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF).

Dubai CarnivalsDSF, launched in 1996 is one of the largest and longest running retail events, encompassing the irresistible car raffle draw, duty-free shopping extravaganza, recreation, relaxation, lucky draws and full-fledged fun for the whole family. The 32 days of indulgence starts off with a spectacular opening ceremony for visitors and residents at Dubai Creek Park, which is well-complemented with a beautiful view and a golf course. The night in modern Dubai turns into a big shopping fiesta and the place, an architectural delight is surrounded by numerous shopping malls that cater to every customer’s need. Everything from cars, haute couture clothing to jewelry can be purchased under the same roof. With a McKenna’s Gold touch in this part of the World, gold is cheap and duty free, and it’s a visual treat to see the glint of gold that adorns the shops in beautiful designs. The city of gold concept was coined during one of the Dubai Shopping Festival awareness campaigns. Dubai is undoubtedly a shopper’s paradise and houses some of the best shopping malls like The Dubai Mall hosting more than 1200 retail stores and one can choose the best in designer wears with the presence of retail giants such as Galeries Lafayette, Debenhams, Bloomingdale's, and Marks & Spencer. The Lamcy Plaza is another great place for family outings; here children can enjoy unlimited entertainment right from electronic clowns prancing around to action-packed antics by spider-man, who stealthily moves up the wall in total deftness. True to its tradition Dubai satisfies everything that one wants from life. The shopping mall near Mehta Road and the happening Wafi Shopping Mall exactly does that, it has some of the best European brands under its umbrella.

Dubai Night SoukBut it is not only shopping that Dubai is famous for, the desert city offers loads of family activities that guarantees to make the trip worthwhile and wholesome. To know the true culture of any state one has to be in sync with the place and what better way to know the people and its surroundings than by just observing the ancient sport of camel racing that usually takes place on a national holiday. The other action-packed activities are the Desert Safaris at Al Warqa'a Area 4 where one can explore the mysteries of the desert and know more about the Arab culture and actually live and experience a scene out of the classic movie Lawrence of Arabia by staying overnight in one of the Bedouin tents that the safari offers. Also, one can drive through deep trenches and enjoy the adrenalin sport of sand skiing down the desert dunes and feel like a speed monster. There are also some entertaining street events to be explored, namely the Al Seef Street event in Bur Dubai, which comes alive with street performances, parades, and carnivals every evening from 4pm onwards. The other events on the calendar are the Al Rigga Street Events and the Al Diyafa Street Events.

There are some exquisite hotel deals that are as exciting as the shopping deals on board. The Taj Palace Hotel offers executive room single/double for AED 650 / 700 on room only basis and Taj Club room single/double for AED 850 / 900 on bed and breakfast basis, which are all complemented with the usage of health club and swimming pool/gymnasium, 10% discount on TAJ SPA treatments and shuttle service to a shopping mall. Joining the bandwagon on room deal promotions are also the Radisson Blu Residence at Dubai Marina and the Radisson Blu Resort, which offer 20% discount on a 2 nights stay option. The Four Points Downtown is an ideal family stay option, which maintains family rooms and also has a special 20% discount offer of on the rooms. Subsequently, there is the Bonnington Jumeirah Lakes Towers, located on Sheikh Zayed Road offering 30% discount on deluxe and twin rooms.

And lastly, it is said that the best way to know people and understand their culture is by tasting their food, but Dubai takes it a step further by promoting World cuisine to its visitors with some irresistible restaurant promotions that includes dinning at Pullman Dubai Mall of the Emirates outlets, where a cash voucher of AED 50 can be automatically redeemed for a minimum spend of AED 150. There is also the pay for two brunches and get the third one for free offer at Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates. And, for a surreptitious eat and drink offer you can enjoy the unlimited food and regular selected beverages at Ramada Chelsea Hotel. Visitors can also savor on an Oriental platter with the 15 percent discount on Sumibiya’s and enjoy a Japanese BBQ buffet nights for only Dhs. 130 per person, or can enjoy the legendary Sushi & Teppanyaki buffet nights every Monday and Thursday for Dhs.160 per person at the Radisson Blu Hotel. But, if you still want to experience the true culture then experience it through its awesome local cuisine, especially the Shawarma, which can be best tasted at the World Village or at the Al Mallah, located at the Al Diyafah Street.

There is so much to do in Dubai during the festival that time just slips by like sand from one’s grip. The sun, the sand and the shopping extravaganza all add up to an action packed holiday experience in Dubai. So, welcome to the city of indulgence for the ultimate Arabian hospitality that excites all human senses and offers gaiety worth the cost.

PS: Hurry, this January book your date with Dubai for the 16th Dubai Shopping Festival, starting on January 20, 2011 till February 20, 2011.