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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trip to Munnar - South India Trail: Part I

As the long road winds around the green hills, my thought is – this must be what heaven looks like. I feel like a 12 year old again, as I attempt catching the clouds that float past. The strong fragrance of cardamom and tea rents the air. Munnar, Here I come…

Club Mahindra Lake View Resort Munnar
Munnar is definitely a wonder that God must have carved out at leisure. With rolling green hills and cottage-like settlements in between, it’s simply breathtaking. I am already in love! There’s so much I want to do here and time just seems so less. I check into the Club Mahindra Lake View Resort, with its warm hospitality and beautiful rooms that offer splendid views of the region. 30 minutes later, I am geared up to take a tour of the region. Since I am around for 2 days, it’s relatively easier to plan and visit the numerous sights I’ve read all my life about.

Mattupetty Lake Munnar
My visit of Munnar starts with Mattupetty, which houses the Indo-Swiss Livestock Project, a dam and lakes. Moving on to Lock Heart Gap, which is another natural wonder. The tea plantations are obviously a part of my explore-Munnar plan and after a much winding path I reached the Kundala Tea Plantations, where it was interesting to watch the entire tea making process. Highlight of plantations that you visit – you can sample some of the world’s finest teas and carry packets home too! :-)

Nilgiri Tahr Munnar
The next day was a relatively relaxed one and along with my guide, I visited the famous Rajamala & Eravikulam National Park, which is famous for the rather endangered Nilgiri Tahrs. Munnar has quite a few churches too, which are noteworthy for their stained glass windows, from where the sun rays stream in and cast a rather ethereal picture. As we move down the hill path again, I ask my guide what other splendor I must not miss out. Prompt comes the reply, ‘Neelakunrinji flowers that cover the mountain in blue. But you are 2 years late. You must come back after 10 years again’. I simply nod.

As I watch the sun dawn over the hills and the river water sparkles endlessly, I realize that the journey is just about beginning. I’ll be back with more details of my South India Trail, so keep following…


Nagma said...

Good work buddy...nice to know real experiences before planning any trip.

Praveen said...

Hi, It is a nice account of Munnar, brings back fond memories. Munnar has been a great hoiday for me too.
Couple of thing that you that you should do in Munnar is a the Speed boat ride at Madupatty dam and lunch at Sarvana Bhavan on the banana leaf

Unknown said...

It would be an enriching experience to travel to this part of India. The view is awesome! It promises adventure and lots of fun...Great place to visit and explore the wonders of nature!
Rajasthan Holidays